Rabu, 16 September 2015

Kebaikan Kurus the Konjac Food- Di mana Sains bertemu Tradisi

Sepertimana yang diketahui umum Konjac sudah dimakan semenjak 2000 tahun dahulu khususnya di negara China, Korea dan Jepun. Apa yang secara tradisional diamalkan kini mendapat perhatian saintis seluruh dunia. Kurus the Konjac Food merupakan usaha kami membawa kembali kebaikan asia untuk orang asia, dan alhamdulillah kami mendapat sokongan dari segenap disiplin professional.

Sebelum itu, Es & Ef ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada pakar diet, pakar masakan, pakar perubatan dan juga para pengkaji sains di seluruh dunia atas usaha murni mereka mengkaji kebaikan konjac yang mengandungi fiber glucomannan.

Dibawah adalah pautan artikel kajian berkenaan konjac (glucomannan)


Evaluation of the action of glucomannan on metabolic parameters and on the sensation of satiation in overweight and obese patients.

Clinical Study & Research – Obesity

Childhood obesity treatment: double blinded trial on dietary fibres (glucomannan) versus placebo.

The use of highly purified glucomannan-based fibres in childhood obesity


Kencing manis

Clinical Study & Research – Diabetes

Konjac-Mannan and American ginsing: emerging alternative therapies for type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Konjac-mannan (glucomannan) improves glycemia and other associated risk factors for coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes. A randomized controlled metabolic trial

Dietary fibres in the dietetic therapy of diabetes mellitus. Experimental data with purified glucomannans.


Clinical Study & Research – Cholesterol

Effect of short-term ingestion of konjac glucomannan on serum cholesterol in healthy men.

Cholesterol reduction by glucomannan and chitosan is mediated by changes in cholesterol absorption and bile acid and fat excretion in rats.

Low levels of viscous hydrocolloids lower plasma cholesterol in rats primarily by impairing cholesterol absorption.



Clinical Study & Research – Constipation

Effect of the dietary fibres glucomannan on chronic constipation in neurologically impaired children.

A clinical study of the use of a combination of glucomannan with lactulose in the constipation of pregnancy.

Action of glucomannans on complaints in patients affected with chronic constipation: a multicentric clinical evaluation.